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About the show
What is TWS? TWS stands for “The White Pants Society”. Yes, that should be TWPS but it’s a long story. This is a show about serious topics that tries not to take itself too seriously. Your host, JDotFlan, is a father, recovering addict, and washed-up rapper that each week discusses his perspective on life, fatherhood, relationships, music, and anything else that seems interesting. It’s tongue-in-cheek humor that is sometimes offensive, sometimes poignant, often unscripted, but always real. If any of that makes sense to you then you are one of us and I welcome you to TWS (the p is silent).
Your Boy Flan!

J Dot Flan
It’s hard to write a description of yourself, but since you put a gun to my head I’ll say I’m a recovering alcoholic, father, aging rapper frequent soapbox stander. I can be very opinionated but more often than not I’m developing my opinions on the fly. The world has changed so rapidly that I am not a self-proclaimed yet reluctant ambassador of the neanderthal culture.
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